Tuesday 8 May 2007

And so it begins...

After a fair bit of "umming and ahhing" (technical term) I've decided that I'm going to shape (and glass) my own surfboard.
Now unlike many, who already own boards, I'll actually be learning on this thing too!

I've already been told that I'm a "nutter" (Powl2 on the forum at MagicSeaweed) and been informed that there are "easier ways of getting into a difficult sport" (Powl2 again) both of which probably hold a lot of truth - haha. Thanks for the encouragement Powl, I just hope my enthusiasm doesn't fizzle out when things start getting difficult over the next few weeks of shaping in my spare time.

Royal (see his blog here) has also been a great help patiently answering my questions and generally pointing me in the right direction on everything from glue and foam, through to stringers, glass and decal paper.

Then there's everyone (JL, SkysAreBlue, Ben, PurpleAndy, Ross, Stephh, Danny1, NorthDevonLad, AlwayzTheKook and Noah's_Ark, all on MagicSeaweed) who gave their input on what sort of shape to go for.
While that was all advice about what to buy - the answers given have made me decide to make a board somewhere in the Mini-Mal / Magic Carpet area.

Anyway - enough of the credits - that's meant to come at the end...

Tomorrow sees me placing an order for fibreglass and resin, hopefully tracking down some suitable wood for a stringer, buying glue, finalising designs for my stands to shape and glass on and getting a couple of other assorted bits and pieces together.

The fun starts here.


Sebastian said...

Big Shot .. I have not read the whole thing .. but my gosh .. you're a girl I think from the pic and my hand goes out to you. Am one too .. today bought a new board .. certainly would never try what you are doing. Go girl! And post some more pics!

Sebastian said...

Big Shot .. I have not read the whole thing .. but my gosh .. you're a girl I think from the pic and my hand goes out to you. Am one too .. today bought a new board .. certainly would never try what you are doing. Go girl! And post some more pics!

Sebastian is a front name .. my real one is crabcakes at longboard.net

Anyway thanks for what you have posted .. it is inspiring